The Galactic Coven is a crew of Star Wars-loving friends that evolved from a group chat about The Mandalorian to an entire weekend of digital fan celebrations (happening right now). To fill a little bit of the hole in all of our hearts this weekend without Star Wars Celebration, the Galactic Coven is putting on a series of virtual events that you all can take part in!

Usually the happy couple is encouraged to have a champagne and sunshine-filled week at a sexy tropical location, but what if that couple is bit nerdier and takes their happily-wedded selves to New York Comic Con to honeymoon instead? Glad you asked, because that is exactly what my husband Matt and I did.

Many of us know just how fun it can be to indulge in “geeky” habits, ranging from the gripping stories found within the pages of comic books to the tense battles of wits that many board games can provide. However, few could argue that one of the ‘geekiest’ pastimes is also one of the greatest sources for entertainment that is fueled by nought but dice and imagination: Dungeons & Dragons.