


In an effort to expose myself to more diverse animation and stories, gen:LOCK quickly jumped to the top of my queue. At first glance, the series doesn’t look like something I would typically be drawn to. Military/war centric stories generally tend to be hard for me to keep up with, and usually don’t hold my attention for very long. However, after learning more about the series, I realized it checked off a lot of boxes.

The show is a high concept sci-fi fantasy, set in a futuristic dystopian society with advanced nanotechnology, mind transfers/mindsharing, and high tech mecha designs. The show also features a cast of diverse characters forced to team up and save the world. I mean, that’s a tale as old as time.

Fans have been waiting with bated breath for the return of the final episodes of Shadowhunters. Now that the team is back, they are ready to make their mark on television one last time. The episode started off with an amazing fight sequence. It was then filled with emotional tributes to Clary, love, and brotherhood, and ended with, of course, a cliffhanger.

So, full disclosure. I’m not huge into sports. It’s not a conscious decision — not nowadays, at least. As a teen, back when I still believed you could be Geek and nothing else, it was a choice. But as an adult, I’m largely not into it because my state has no major teams.

I do notice, though, that there is a mentality among some fans that Sports Ain’t Okay. More than that, the fans actually deserve a good mocking whenever possible. There are a few “safe” sports for fans: wrestling and roller derby are okay, and have a lot of visible fan interaction. But if you want to be into one of the Big Four sports, there’s at least a small chance you will be torn down hard.

I was aware of, but not keyed into, this mentality until I heard a major podcaster go there.

Ah, depositions – the key to any exciting scene, amiright? Yeah, no. I mean, I’m happy to see Foggy (Elden Henson), but no lawyer can keep Luke from being Luke – so when Cockroach starts BS-ing and the big man loses his temper and busts up the conference room table, Foggy 1) asks Luke if he’s ever considered wearing a mask (funny), and 2) tells Luke that he may want to consider a settlement. But where is Luke going to get $100K, the amount necessary to make the whole lawsuit go away?

After calling some of the companies who were previously interested in a Luke Cage endorsement (BEFORE he got his butt whooped by Bushmaster, of course), he realizes that he might need to cash in on some of his superhero fame. Foggy says he has an appearance opportunity for him – it turns out it’s Piranha, Mariah’s money man, who is more than willing to pay big bucks to get Luke to attend one of his parties.

Adventure Time is an animated series that premiered on Cartoon Network in 2010. The Adventure Time series finale aired September 3, 2018, after 8 years and 10 seasons of wildly surreal 11 minute long episodes. I watched the cartoon as an adult, and at first I didn’t think I would like the show at all. I was put off by the weird art style, and bright and colorful, polymorphous characters. The overall aesthetic definitely seemed targeted towards a much younger audience. But even though I was introduced to the show as an adult, it was just as influential on my life and helped shape my character as if I had grown up with it. This Buzzfeed article, which provides a glimpse of some of the life lessons the show has touched on, has been at the top of my Bookmarks for years.