
geek style


We’re currently in the middle of Sartorial Geek’s biggest annual fashion challenge—Summer #SGFashionFix—that runs all month long! This is Week 4. So we’re over half-way through, but that doesn’t mean you can’t jump in! In fact, this might be the best week for debuting your geek chic looks because the theme is about the conventions we’re missing this year due to the pandemic, like San Diego Comic Con.

When the first Thor movie came out, my best friend told me I’d enjoy it because 1. It was fun, and 2. Thor was handsome and scruffy (aka my type). But as the movie progressed I couldn’t help but think, “Ooh, who’s the brother?!” I found Loki as a character very fascinating as he was troubled, sassy, misunderstood, and burdened with glorious purpose. Reading Loki: Agent of Asgard, Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee, and the new Loki series by Daniel Kibblesmith has only fueled my love for the god of mischief even more.

Hello from the other side of the Sartorial Geek’s first fashion challenge #SGFashionFix!! Though the challenge is over, I’m wrapping up by recapping my looks from Week 5. I claimed this week on the blog because my oldest nerd title is bookworm, and my bookstagram (@threadedpages, if you’re interested) is themed on bookish fashion. And that’s what the final week was all about! The Get Lit(erary)! theme celebrates everything books.


Welcome to Sartorial Geek’s first ever Geek Fashion Fix Challenge, co-hosted by Nina and Alice!  Throughout the entire month of July (and a bit of August), we challenge you to post a new pic of a geek themed outfit based on your favorite characters and fandoms on your Instagram account.

We’ll be sharing our favorites throughout the weeks on our Instagram. Plus, the outfits you post will win you prizes from Jordandene!

I’m a firm believer in dressing up no matter what the occasion. Going on a quick Target run? Have dinner plans at a super casual restaurant? Taking your dog out for a walk? Dress to the nines . . . but make it geeky!

Like many geeky fashionistas, I’m always taking inspiration from beloved (and love to hate) characters from books, movies, and tv shows. Since I’ve been riding high on Marvel, I created a fun look with retro flair inspired by Minn-Erva from Captain Marvel, as portrayed by Gemma Chan. While I was bummed her character wasn’t fully fleshed out, there’s no denying that her aesthetic is cool AF.