
Sartorial Geek Fashion Fix Challenge


Before the episode, we have a special shoutout for our newest Patreon supporters: Chelsea, Elaine, Aimee, Lauren, Ashley, and Kourtney. We’ve really leveled up our Patreon rewards if you haven’t checked them out in a while – to join our latest sponsors (and earn our eternal thanks), head to patreon.com/sartorialgeek.

If you joined (or lurked around) our #SGFashionFix challenge, you’ve seen the geek chic goddess that is Alyssa Bradley (@miss.lys). 

Drumroll, please… our #SGFashionFix winners are here!

First, a thank you letter. From us to you.

This is the first fashion challenge we’ve ever hosted at The Sartorial Geek, and we had no idea how it would go. Doing something new is always scary, and you all blew us away with the level of excitement and participation you brought to this challenge. 149 of you entered, and we had over 1,600 entries over five weeks. Friends, that’s freaking nuts.