


Thank god for Instagram and the wonderful people and projects it connects me with. The Pintrovert has created one of my favorite Kickstarter campaigns to date – LOOK AT THESE GLORIOUS SELF CARE DESIGNS! Inspired by Lizzo, The Pintrovert is converting her art into enamel pins for us. Each tier unlocks a new design in three skin colors, which is wonderful. This campaign is already funded, but don’t miss out on these incredible rewards!

Anthropomorphized anxiety. Putting the con in consent. A song with a truly staggering number of f-bombs, set to a jaunty ukulele tune. Had I known what I was going to get into when I stuck around for the Misbehavin’ Maidens midnight performance at Marscon, I might’ve reconsidered sitting next to my dad through it. (Have YOU ever listened to a song about go-karts and masturbating next to your father, who’s dressed in chainmail for extra weirdness? ‘Cause I can now say I have!) But by the third song, I was so into this nerdy, feminist, queer-friendly quartet that all the father-related awkwardness in the world couldn’t have chased me away.

Besides, my he was into them, too. My dad’s a sucker for good harmonies.