
Jeni Hackett


In May 2011, I had just finished my freshman year of undergrad, which also means I had just finished Physics 201 – the one where you get into the good, weird stuff, like intro to relativity and just a hint of quantum mechanics. As a planned physics major, it was the first step towards even weirder, cooler science. May 2011, coincidentally, is the first time Jane Foster showed up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Anthropomorphized anxiety. Putting the con in consent. A song with a truly staggering number of f-bombs, set to a jaunty ukulele tune. Had I known what I was going to get into when I stuck around for the Misbehavin’ Maidens midnight performance at Marscon, I might’ve reconsidered sitting next to my dad through it. (Have YOU ever listened to a song about go-karts and masturbating next to your father, who’s dressed in chainmail for extra weirdness? ‘Cause I can now say I have!) But by the third song, I was so into this nerdy, feminist, queer-friendly quartet that all the father-related awkwardness in the world couldn’t have chased me away.

Besides, my he was into them, too. My dad’s a sucker for good harmonies.