In an effort to expose myself to more diverse animation and stories, gen:LOCK quickly jumped to the top of my queue. At first glance, the series doesn’t look like something I would typically be drawn to. Military/war centric stories generally tend to be hard for me to keep up with, and usually don’t hold my attention for very long. However, after learning more about the series, I realized it checked off a lot of boxes.

The show is a high concept sci-fi fantasy, set in a futuristic dystopian society with advanced nanotechnology, mind transfers/mindsharing, and high tech mecha designs. The show also features a cast of diverse characters forced to team up and save the world. I mean, that’s a tale as old as time.

With the return of spring comes the return of music festivals and the fashion that goes with it. Coachella just wrapped its second weekend, and I couldn’t help thinking about what I might have worn if I’d gone. Since I love making outfits geeky and since we’re in Avengers: Endgame mode, I styled an appropriately “festive” look.

Leslie Knope is one of my favourite women on television, for some of the most obvious reasons. She is happy, energetic, fun, good-spirited, hard-working, loving, kind, and most importantly, she always goes for what she wants. As one of the many women on television that I love, I made it my mission to constantly use her as an inspiration for the kind of person I want to be.

Lisa Granshaw started GeekFold to make keeping up on the latest nerdy fashion news easier. GeekFold sends out a roundup in their newsletter every Friday that includes truly everything that has happened in geek fashion over the past week. It’s the best place to find out about new indie brands, what your favorite geeky companies are doing, and nerdy collabs with brands you would never expect.

I felt like I easily saw myself in her, which hasn’t really happened with a super hero character on the big screen. Sure, I connect and relate. But there were moments that I felt like Carol WAS me.

As an English teacher, I often have to remind my students that you don’t have to like a book for its message to be important. March’s book had me listening to my own advice. I really struggled writing this review. Yet, I think the tension that I felt while writing this blog is the entire point of reading this book.