For week three of the Fashion Fix challenge, I had a ton of ideas for different characters I wanted to try to embody. Complex female characters are kind of my thing, and happen to be this week’s theme. I thought about nerdy Velma from Scooby Doo. Julia Wicker from The Magicians (which I just finished binge watching and am now going through withdrawals). And finally, one of my favorite TV latinas, Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Similar to Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone, each episode will be its own contained story with a beginning, middle and end. The thing that connects all of the episodes together is the occurrence of “magic hour,” a time of day when everything looks freaking gorgeous or, in the show’s case, a time when parallel dimensions and realities overlap and collide with each other to create remarkable stories that stretch the imagination and shock the senses.

In May 2011, I had just finished my freshman year of undergrad, which also means I had just finished Physics 201 – the one where you get into the good, weird stuff, like intro to relativity and just a hint of quantum mechanics. As a planned physics major, it was the first step towards even weirder, cooler science. May 2011, coincidentally, is the first time Jane Foster showed up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

We’re so excited to see so many of you at San Diego Comic Con this year. Unfortunately out of our editing team, only Jordan will be there this year (fingers crossed Liz can make it next year!), and we won’t have a booth home base. BUT there are three panels you can find me at, and I’ll be floating around as many meet ups as I can!