Yes, before you ask: this is a Black Panther blog now. (I’m only half-joking, but if you’ve been keeping track of our posts these last few weeks, you’d probably believe me, right?)

I shouldn’t have to tell you that since it’s release, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther has taken the world by storm. Theaters have sold out all around the world, filled to the brim with some of the most amazing outfits any of us have ever seen. The #BlackPantherChallenge has raised over $700k for kids in 50 different countries to see the film. Strangers all across Twitter have even bought tickets for each other.

So, it should come as a surprise to everyone that the official merchandise is… scarce. It’s rumored that Disney ordered very little to begin with, which seems incredibly silly when the demand for Black Panther goods is at an all-time high. (Seriously: RockLove Jewelry’s collection sold out in just a week, while Hasbro had to ramp up their toy production due to high demands.)

And while that’s a huge bummer, a ton of independent, black-owned businesses have been stepping up in the meantime. Adorned By Chi got a special spotlight on last week’s post, but today, I wanted to take a minute to highlight a few more shops filling the Black Panther-shaped void in our closets.

Watch the Throne pin by QMadeIt$10.00

Favorite Finds: Black Panther

My love for enamel pins is no secret and this one, depicting the Wakandan throne, is like no other. Long live the king!

Dora Milaje pin by Coloring Pins, ˆ$11.00

Favorite Finds: Black Panther

Another pin that deserved a shout-out. I suppose this is the closest I’ll ever get to having one of these badass ladies by my side at all times.

Wakanda Panthers Sweatshirt by PushTheButtonShop$25.00+

Favorite Finds: Black Panther

Like your old high school/college sweatshirt, but a million times better. Does Wakanda offer a study abroad program? Because if so, I’m in.

Wakanda Forever Notebook by SweetLimeCulture$14.05

Favorite Finds: Black Panther

Not only is the wooden texture of this notebook so adorably rustic, but you also get a double-sided (!!) design: the names of our favorite heroes printed on the front, “Wakanda Forever” on the back.

Have you seen any cool Black Panther goodies from your favorite small businesses? Let us know in the comments below!

Click here more more on the latest in geek fashion!


Tristan George

Tristan puts her fashion business degree to good use as the operations manager at Jordandené. She spends most of her free time writing, baking, and watching reruns of The Office.


Tristan puts her fashion business degree to good use as the operations manager at Jordandené. She spends most of her free time writing, baking, and watching reruns of The Office.

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