I’ve always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons. The idea had always intrigued me, and I really loved the idea. Unfortunately, for a long time, I wasn’t able to find anyone to play with and was left constantly wondering about the game. I let it go and stopped looking for anyone to play with.

Then, two years ago, my friends asked me to come play with them. I was ecstatic! I already had my dice, a notebook, and a dice bag and was very excited to start playing. In my first session, I was very nervous, but it didn’t take me long to get into the game and embrace playing as my character.

Since then, that group has split ways (Due to a baby! So it was for a very good reason!), and I’ve started with a new one.

I could not be happier to still be playing D&D, and the new group is absolutely excellent. We are very chaotic, and I feel absolutely at home.

Despite quarantine, we have worked out how we can play digitally and continue our campaign. It’s so great that we’ve done this because I genuinely don’t know what I would do without D&D as an outlet for my geek-dom!

D&D is more than just a game for a lot of people. It is a place where we can express ourselves, be silly, and play up everything about ourselves that was deemed too much for other people.

In D&D I have found a home, a place where I feel truly myself.

D&D is not over-rated, or silly, or “only for Uber-geeks,” and it definitely isn’t only for cis men. It’s for everyone, and learning how to play it is so worth it.

If you need a place to express your geeky self and somewhere you can be as chaotic and weird as you want, find a D&D party! The best part of it is that nobody will care if you geek out about something specific—it will just add to the game!

Why D&D is so important to me (and other geeks)
Brittany holds dice in her right hand, and a DND themed dice bag in her left.

Brittany is a massive Doctor Who fan and all around geek. Rumour says they can be summoned like Beetlejuice if you say Doctor Who three times in a row, but that may just be a joke.

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