Toy Story‘s Bo Peep is back, y’all and more badass than ever! Bo’s got a new lease on life, and a brand new outfit. Consider this my formal request to incorporate capes into our everyday looks . . .

Chambray Jumpsuit (ModCloth)

Oversized Bow Barrette (Anthropologie)

Galactic Desert Cape (Elhoffer Design)

Suede Sash Belt (Etsy)

Velvet Flat (ModCloth)

Just add a shepherd’s crook and you’re ready to emulate our favorite former sheepherder!


Liz is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek, a writer at heart, a librarian by trade, a lover of cats, and decidedly less stereotypical than she sounds.


  1. Kit Cronk

    Oh my goodness this is perfection and I WANT IT ALL