Don’t @ me. 

4. Chris Messina

Have you ever looked at how soulful his eyes are when he acts (read: stares at Mindy Kaling)?

3. Chris Messina

I mean.

2. Chris Messina

That half smirk, though.

1.  Chris Messina

His acting range (The Mindy Project, Sharp Objects, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Newsroom, Argo, Sam Smith’s music video, a baby role in You’ve Got Mail . . . ), his overall super sweet/down-to-earth demeanor in interviews even though he curses like a sailor (also a pro for me, tbh), his well-documented love for working with women, this GIF that I watch on repeat in perpetuity . . .

Even Though . . .

Even though Vanity Fair actually classifies him as more of a “Jim.” 

Even though he’s not a Marvel superhero but instead playing DC villain Victor Zsasz in the upcoming film Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn:

Even though he’s 5’ 9” at BEST 

He’ll always be the best Chris, the only Chris, for me.


Liz is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek, a writer at heart, a librarian by trade, a lover of cats, and decidedly less stereotypical than she sounds.

1 Comment

  1. Totally agree with you he is THE chris , the hottest, the most talented and unfortunately the least lucky of the Hollywood chrises
    I don’t know what’s wrong with this guy? He doesn’t lack anything the looks the charisma the talent the hard work , yet until now he didn’t have his outshine moment , I hope it comes soon as I can’t wait for his upcoming roles spicially BOP and I care alot
    Thank you for writing about my favorite actor I have great admiration for this man 😍😍