When my husband and I moved into our new house, he set the tone for the decor by hanging a giant picture of Heart from The Awkward Yeti right next to the front door (if you haven’t read this amazing/adorable comic, I can’t recommend it enough).

From that moment, the choice about decor was made – we were going to fill this house with fun, geek decor that made us happy.

Here’s a quick pic tour of some of my favorites:

Geeking Up Your Home

1. The Wall O’ Disney – I love vintage Disney, so when I found these vintage-styled Disneyland ride posters on one of our frequent trips there, I had to have them.

Geeking Up Your Home

2. A Doctor Who homage hanging above our bathroom door. (I’m always entertained by the fact that it’s an obvious sliding door.) Sadly, no longer available from ThinkGeek, but they have an adorable pillow with the same theme.

Geeking Up Your Home

3. My BB-8 pillow. This little guy gets a lot of love from visitors of all ages, and it makes me smile.

Geeking Up Your Home

4. The print I own isn’t currently available, but there are many adorable prints in the Awkward Store (like the one pictured above).

Geeking Up Your Home

5. Tyrannosaurus Rex lamp. Not from any one fandom, but when you have the opportunity to buy a T-Rex lamp, well, you take it. Pictured decked out for Christmas in a dapper scarf.

Geeking Up Your Home


6. For those of you digging the mid-century modern revival vibe, I have to recommend Shag to you. This piece is from a Star Wars series he did (available here), but he also does Disney pieces and general 1950s glam goodness.

Share your favorite geek decor in the comments!

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Sarah Kelley


Sarah is a writer, marketer, music theater performer, and super geek who can’t seem to stop buying Star Wars jewelry and old video game consoles.


Sarah is a writer, marketer, music theater performer, and super geek who can't seem to stop buying Star Wars jewelry and old video game consoles.

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