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sarah kelley


When my husband and I moved into our new house, he set the tone for the decor by hanging a giant picture of Heart from The Awkward Yeti right next to the front door (if you haven’t read this amazing/adorable comic, I can’t recommend it enough).

From that moment, the choice about decor was made – we were going to fill this house with fun, geek decor that made us happy.

Here’s a quick pic tour of some of my favorites:

Obscure fandom? No problem.

We live in a golden age of geek where it’s really easy to get a pair of Firefly earrings, a Doctor Who dress, or a super comfy tee with your favorite fandom quote. I have Han Solo and Agent Carter cosplay dresses in my closet. A Death Star waffle iron in my kitchen. And a Super Mario wallet in my Avengers-themed purse.

It’s a great time to be a fan. The fact that there are so many products out there like this means I’m in good company. And then, of course, there are fan cons, online communities, books. Everything you can imagine.