


Ah, September 1st! Practically a holiday in and of itself to the Potterhead community (yours truly, included). Who hasn’t fantasized about taking the trip to Kings Cross, slipping through the barrier to Platform 9 and ¾? Or dreamed of taking in the majestic scarlet steam engine that is the Hogwarts Express billowing great clouds of smoke as it readies itself to chug across the green pastures and misty moors of the English countryside to Hogwarts Castle perched deep in the highlands of Scotland. 

Yes, I said it. I’ve seen the memes floating around out there showing the MCU Avengers and their respective Hogwarts houses, and one particularly astute roundup had Captain America, the golden boy himself, in Slytherin—long touted as the “bad guy” house. Gasp! How could they think he belongs there? Well, I’m here to explain it to you all, and if by the end of this post you haven’t at least considered it a possibility, then I’ve failed. (But I’m a Slytherin, too, so I’ll probably never admit it.) Steve Rogers is a Slytherin, and here’s why:

For consistency, I will stick with the MCU version of all characters mentioned. This post contains spoilers for just about all Captain America and Avengers films.

Last year, my mum and I packed up some clothing and toiletries, and crossed the ocean. We went to Ireland and England with a pretty clear goal: Harry Potter. The trip was originally so we could go to Leaky Con, mashed with the vow that I made to myself while finishing the Potter series; I will be in England when Harry brings his kids to King’s Cross. While not everything worked out to a t (I was still in Ireland as the Hogwarts express pulled out of Platform 9 3/4), we did get to see a lot of Potter stuff, including Leaky Con. I came back with some phenomenal items, but some of the most practical are the beauty and cleansing products I bought.