


Now that Halloween has past, the turkey has been eaten, and the Black Friday sales have happened, it’s Christmas! Well, Christmas prep time, at least. I was raised in a household where you start buying holiday gifts whenever you see things. This is a fantastic practice, because it spreads the spending out quite a bit, and gets rid of the rush and (some of the) anxiety. Since I know that not everyone subscribes to this method of buying, I’ve collected a list of products that i’m really excited about. Some are items I’ve used before, some just look rad. Either way, lets dive in!

Alright Geeks, time to pamper! While out shopping a while back, I found Riley Rose, a cosmetic offshoot of Forever 21. I hadn’t heard anything about it before being drawn in by the crisp colors and beautiful storefront. So, I didn’t know it was related to F21 at all. But I came out, $60 poorer with a bag full of face masks. The mask I knew I had to share with you, fellow cosmetic warriors, is the Gudetama Mask.