In an attempt to not have every  single  blog  post in February be about the glory of King T’Challa and Black Panther, I was going to branch out for this week’s fictional crush appreciation… until Geek Girl Strong sent me this:

Clearly, my crush of the week had been chosen.

T’Challa not only saves the world, but also shows super real emotion, respects the women around him, has a sense of humor, and is just so beautiful. Look:

Fictional Crush Appreciation: T'Challa

Fictional Crush Appreciation: T'Challa

Fictional Crush Appreciation: T'Challa

Chadwick Boseman really is too much. So is every single person in Black Panther. How are we supposed to handle this movie?

Fictional Crush Appreciation: T'Challa

Who’s your biggest crush from the Black Panther team? I have no doubt they’ll all show up here very, very soon.

Thirsty for more of our fictional crushes? Say no more.


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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