This episode is sponsored by Jordandene.

Hello, Sartorial Geeks! Welcome to our first ever year-end review.

2018 has been a wild one. For better or worse, it happened, it’s almost over, and there’s a lot to recap!

Liz had the wedding of the century, Jordan traveled all over the country spreading the good news of Jordandene, and we started The Sartorial Geek! It’s hard to believe that one year ago this was just the beginning of an idea, and now it’s three (almost four) finished magazines, a fully-funded Kickstarter, forty-three episodes of a podcast, a sweet online hangout, and a brand new website. That’s all because you’ve been supporting us every step of the way, and we are amazingly grateful.

For us, 2018 was the year of trying everything, and 2019 will be the year to make all of that even better. We’re already brainstorming interviews and partnerships that we cannot wait to share with you. We’ve got some live shows lined up already and will hopefully be adding even more. And we’re hoping to build out every level of our Sartorial Geek community to help this be one the most useful and welcoming place for nerds of all interests to hang out!

Geeky Magazine | Sartorial Geek Issue Two

If you want to help us out even more than you already have in the new year, we need as many reviews as we can get to help even more people find our podcast. If you want to go a step further, we would love if you can support our magazine by signing up for a subscription, posting a photo, or telling a friend how much they would love it. And for our ultra-supporters, our Patreon is the best place to help us with the resources we need to keep this wild thing running.

Thank you for being here for 2018, and we hope every single person has a much much better new year.

Stay nerdy!

Check out this episode!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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