This week, I’m so excited to introduce you to one of The Sartorial Geek‘s staff writers Julie Failde!

Julie and I were hotel roomies at our first SDCC (thanks, @melificent!), and we’ve been working together as much as possible ever since. Julie has written in The Sartorial Geek magazine and has graced with so many geek fashion OOTDs. She also writes for Screen Rant and hosts her own podcast, Infinity Jules

There are so many things Julie and I could have geeked out about (and we probably will in the future), but this week we decided to dive into WebToons. If you haven’t already heard me sing the praises of WebToons, it’s my new favorite way to read comics. It’s completely free (unless you want to get early access), looks amazing on mobile, and has so many great stories!

If that sounds like something you would love but aren’t sure where to start, Julie and I share our current favorites and the stories that hooked us at the beginning.

Make sure to follow @InfinityJules all over the internet for peak fangirl content!

Special thanks to our editor + music composer Dan Ison and our executive producers for this episode LoganArch and Karen Hallion.

If you enjoyed this episode, you might love the rest of our episodes! Click here to browse the archives.

Check out this episode!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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