


If this year has taught me anything, it’s that the things that make us happy—truly happy—are to be cherished. Never before have I so actively encouraged myself to play video games, indulge in prestige dramas on TV, and generally just allow myself to do the things I enjoy, including cosplay.

But we’re at a funny juncture in cosplay culture where a lot of us are in our 30’s, even our 40’s, and are starting to ask ourselves a painful question: Am I too old for this?

The last couple of years in Doctor Who fandom have been a bumpy ride through the time vortex. First off, much to the chagrin of haters everywhere, we finally got a female incarnation of the Doctor and she’s charming and goofy and smart – just as the Doctor should be. Her companions are also quick to think on their feet and learn the ropes. With that said, the writing of Thirteen’s first outing left much to be desired, with only a few of season 11’s episodes feeling like standouts. Even the daleks returning on New Year’s felt old hat (once they finally arrived).

The Harry Potter franchise changed the landscape of reading forever. The series reawakened a love of reading in adults and children alike.

But some of us get stuck with knowing what to read next. The problem with a great series is that they cause a book hangover (It’s a real thing. There’s an Urban Dictionary definition and everything).

You’re sad that the story is over, and reluctant to try anything new because it won’t be as good.

Never fear! There are book nerds like me who can confidently recommend what you should read next.

If you’re a regular reader of the blog or follower of Jordandené in general, you’ve probably seen me around in the last handful of weeks. But in case you haven’t: hi, I’m Kara Dennison, and I’m apparently a fake geek girl.

I’m also the lead editor for multiple well-known anime and game localizations. I’m a published author and a journalist with ten years of experience. And I’m an interviewer who’s been lucky to share the stage with a few people you might have heard of. But that doesn’t stop me from earning the title, it seems.

Obscure fandom? No problem.

We live in a golden age of geek where it’s really easy to get a pair of Firefly earrings, a Doctor Who dress, or a super comfy tee with your favorite fandom quote. I have Han Solo and Agent Carter cosplay dresses in my closet. A Death Star waffle iron in my kitchen. And a Super Mario wallet in my Avengers-themed purse.

It’s a great time to be a fan. The fact that there are so many products out there like this means I’m in good company. And then, of course, there are fan cons, online communities, books. Everything you can imagine.

It all started because of David Tennant.

Doesn’t it always? I had never been to any kind of comic convention before. But when I saw that the Tenth Doctor himself would be appearing at my local con (Awesome Con!!!) back in 2017, I knew I had to get tickets. I bought the full weekend David Tennant VIP pass. This would guarantee a photo and autograph. AND I’d get preferred seating at his main stage panel. To be honest, in the beginning, I figured I’d probably ONLY do DT-related stuff. And that I’d be perfectly happy with my con experience.