


Are you addicted to subscription boxes?

Are you pulled in by the concept of receiving a mystery box of (usually) themed stuff each month that pays tribute to the things you love? Services like this have been around since 2012, when premiere geek box Loot Crate hit the market. Since Loot Crate’s inception, dozens upon dozens of subscription boxes have sprung up to scratch every imaginable itch: from beauty to candy to officially licensed Disney merch.

Record scratch.

Did I just say officially licensed Disney merch?

Why yes, friend, yes I did.

As of writing this, I’ve run seven runDisney events. I have done two in-person half marathons, an in-person 10k, three virtual 5ks, and a virtual half marathon. Those three half marathons are the only ones I’ve done, and I did them all this year. Running is relatively new to me; I discovered my love of it about 2 years ago, and I’ve been doing it ever since. But there is truly nothing like a race through Walt Disney World, so I’ve got some tips to help you through your first runDisney event!

Growing up, when asked who my favorite Disney Princess was, I would answer, “Maleficent.” I have always been drawn to strong women. They are who I want to be. For the longest time, the only options for me were villains (the why of that is a whole different post).

Back in March, Kit Cronk had this to say about badass Disney women. I was excited to read that list, and while every woman definitely deserved to be there, it lacked some of my favorite characters: the Disney female villains. I would therefore like to offer this as a supplemental list for those of us who like the dark side.

Who doesn’t love a good Disney movie? Most of us have fond childhood memories of the Disney-universe. This list is an ode to all the animated lady bosses who show young girls what it means to be a badass. Here are my top 10 badass Disney women.

NOTE: This list is from original Disney animations. It does not include the more recent additions of Fox, Marvel, and etc. Otherwise we all know who would top the list…