This list started as five characters I’d invite to a fictional dinner party… but I think it ended up being a list of people I wish would ask me out to dinner (see also: my fictional boyfriends). Either way, I’m going with it.

1) Lando

Talk Nerdy to Me: Characters I'd Invite To My Fictional Dinner Party

There’s no way this man doesn’t have a million interesting stories that would elevate any dinner party.

2) Jon Snow

Talk Nerdy to Me: Characters I'd Invite To My Fictional Dinner Party

Okay maybe I’m stacking the deck with guys with slightly tragic histories but very very good stories. Plus, Jon already proved he’s a great dinner guest.

3) Robin Hood the Fox

Talk Nerdy to Me: Characters I'd Invite To My Fictional Dinner Party

I know there’s a 50/50 chance all my valuables would be gone by the end of the meal, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.

4) Tyrion Lannister

Talk Nerdy to Me: Characters I'd Invite To My Fictional Dinner Party

With Tyrion, I feel confident that dinner would devolve into a night of sloppy drinking games, and I am 100% okay with that.

5) Steve Rogers

Talk Nerdy to Me: Characters I'd Invite To My Fictional Dinner Party

In case it isn’t obvious already, Captain America will be on every list I ever make forever. He’s perfect, no explanation needed.

Who would be invited to your fictional dinner party? Let us know in the comments and be sure to check out the rest of Talk Nerdy To Me!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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