When the announcement came out that the theme parks would be reopening, I was thrilled…initially. I would finally get to return to my happy place, the setting of the majority of my social life. The flip side of these emotions was a sort of anxious panic: theme parks opening meant more people would be coming to Florida, which means more spreading of the virus.
This was a terrifying thought to me because a global pandemic has been a phobia of mine since childhood (I just always assumed it was an irrational fear. Go figure). I finally decided that I would go to Universal and force myself back into the world after months of never leaving my house except to go to work.
So, here is what to expect when visiting Universal during the pandemic.
Wearing a Mask:
I’ll get this most obvious one out of the way first. If you are planning on visiting Universal, you will be required to wear a face-covering at all times. Now, there is a little leniency with what is considered a face covering. It does not specifically mean mask, I saw many people using bandannas, so as long as your nose and mouth are properly covered, you are good. Just remember, as soon as you get out of your car, that mask needs to be on.
To address the negatives:
“Its too hot to wear a mask all day”
Yes, it is hot. It’s Florida. The mask does add some discomfort, but to me, it was no different than a normal day at a theme park in July. Also, I was alone when I went. I cannot speak for the experience of trying to keep a mask on a child. If you need a break, stop for a drink or snack because you can take it off while eating. Also worth noting, I saw many people utilizing the Buff style coverings. I would not recommend these because you’re just adding more coverage and making yourself hotter. But, that is just my opinion. Everyone will have their own preference.
“You can’t ride roller coasters with a mask on”
Masks do not hinder the roller coaster experience. I never felt worried that I would lose my mask during the high speeds and twists of the Mummy or Hulk coasters. Some people I talked to said they were afraid it would, so they kept a hand on their ear loops just in case, but my mask never budged once. If this is something you are worried about, look for a mask where you can adjust the tightness behind your ears or one you tie behind your head instead of looping over your ears.
“You can’t look good in a mask”
Come on now, this is just wrong! Masks are a new fashion statement! Buy a mask to match different outfits, use it to proclaim your fandom, and think of it as an extension of your style and creativity. I saw many Marauder’s Map and Deathly Hallows prints, along with Hogwarts houses, Hello Kitty, and Marvel-themed masks. Believe it or not, I have even seen face masks embellished with fake flowers and pins. Masks are now sold throughout Universal, in various designs and character themes. Whether you like them or not, masks are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Just make peace with it.
Arrival Procedure:
I am sure by now most of you all already know about the new procedures being put in place by theme parks.
When you get there, everyone has to have their temperature checked. This occurs in the parking garage right before you get to the security checkpoint. It was a very smooth process, with the ground clearly marked to promote distancing between parties. I was worried it would add a lot of time, but it was a quick process.
The bag check is still in place, which I had wondered about since that area is typically just a free-for-all with everyone piling in. They now have barricades up and people directing you so that once your temperature is checked, you move to a line for the metal detector. Once again, you are spaced out to avoid close contact with other parties. They are also sanitizing the bins between usage, and hand sanitizer dispensers are placed throughout.

Universal did an excellent job of promoting safe practices at all of the rides. As with everywhere else, the ride lines have been marked to ensure that you remain at least 6 feet away from the party in front of you.
I am happy to report that I never saw anyone ignoring these protocols, and everyone seemed to be taking a lot of care to stay safe. When you get to the front of the line, a team member is there distributing hand sanitizer to ensure that your hands are clean prior to touching anything on the ride.
To safeguard distance on the ride itself, you are only sat with members of your party. So, if you are flying solo, like me, you get the entire row to yourself. They also keep an empty row or two between different parties. For example, on the Mummy ride, I was in the front row and one person was in the last row. Everything else was empty.
Virtual lines are also available at many of the more popular rides, like Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. Simply scan the barcode, and you are redirected to the app. You can then choose the time period you wish to ride, like 9:30-10:30. Then just come during your chosen time and you are all set!
Word of caution though, even though there are reduced crowds, some rides run out of available times, so try to book your time early.
Rest Areas:

What I really appreciated was that Universal sectioned off areas of the park where you could rest and take off your mask. They understand that these new restrictions are hard. They have to wear masks just like us, so they are trying to do what they can to help everyone have a good time while staying safe. These areas are clearly marked. One is in the front of the park and one is at the back. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the heat or your mask, find one of these areas and sit for a while. Enjoy some time without a mask on so you can go back to having fun!
Remember, don’t push yourself too hard. Take breaks if you are overheated or tired.
You will notice as you make your way through the park that there is much more cleaning going on. Workers are regularly wiping down handrails, tables, lockers, and anything that is touched frequently. They have tried to help minimize touch-points by getting rid of anything that requires a fingerprint and encouraging things like Mobile Ordering for dining. So, fingerprinting when entering the park or to rent lockers is gone.
Despite the fact that there is more overall park sanitation, you still need to make sure that you are cleaning your hands regularly. They have placed many new hand sanitizer stations throughout the park, and I try to use them every time I pass one. They also have signs pointing out bathrooms to make them more obvious, that way you can wash your hands frequently.
Meeting Characters:
Throughout the park, it is still possible to see characters and shows. While you cannot get up close and personal like before, each area of the park has a raised platform on which a few characters come out at a time. You can still take pictures with them, it’s just a little more distant. Think of it like taking a selfie with someone on stage behind you. I think it is a creative solution to guarantee that people get the experiences they have come to equate with the parks.
As for shows, they are still happening as well. Like with the rides, there are areas marked on the ground for parties to stand at and watch. This way, everyone can see, and the crowds are thinned. It will be interesting to see how Disney handles this when they open.
Staying Hydrated:

Please, please, please stay hydrated! I think this is good advice for any time you visit the parks, but it is particularly true with the introduction of face masks.
Now, I have been wearing a mask for 12 hours a day since March (my day job is a nurse), so I feel like I have grown accustomed to it a little. That being said, wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time will make your mouth and throat feel dry!
Wearing one in the heat increases this feeling. Water is your friend! I can’t stress this enough. Try to balance your alcohol and Butterbeer intake with equal (if not more) amounts of water.
Overall this was a very fun, positive experience. Even being around so many people, I felt safer visiting Universal than I did my local Publix or gas station.
Will I start going regularly again?
Probably not.
I cannot recommend or give advice on whether now a good time is is to visit from out of state. Florida, although we are “open,” is seeing a large increase in new cases of COVID-19.
Even as I write this, the numbers are changing. So please exercise extreme caution when making the decision to visit the park (or anywhere really).
We all want the world back open, so lets do our part to help combat this virus.
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