As always, we want to thank our faithful Patreon supporters: Andi, Athena, Kathleen, Leigh, Rebecca, and Alexa. We can’t do anything we’re doing without you.

We’d also like to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsor, LoganArch! Check out their Chicago-based shop for all of your geeky and nostalgic needs.

We’ve been living in Kickstarter land lately (THANK YOU again to everyone who helped ours be a success!), and we’re so excited to introduce you to another project you must check out: TRVE KVLT.

TRVE KVLT is four (22ish-page) issues of satanic panic (and fast food) (and crime) (oh, also it’s a comic book) made by a group of fun creators to show you there can be good company in loneliness and heinous life decisions.

There’s not another comic like it on the shelves.

TRVE KVLT is about apathy and unhappiness and the need to sometimes reset everything—even if it means leaping into the unknown or doing something incredibly stupid. As Marty puts it, a full-life reset. It’s about humankind’s battle against loneliness and emptiness, and the endless search for meaning and the elusiveness of a better life.

I hope you enjoy our chat with artist Liana Kangas (and make sure to follow her everywhere for all kinds of cool comics updates!)

Special thanks to our editor + music composer Dan Ison and our executive producers for this episode Geeklery, LoganArch and Karen Hallion.

If you enjoyed this episode, you might love the rest of our episodes! Click here to browse the archives.

Check out this episode!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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