


The beginning of 2019 seems a lightyear away. Yet, as we approach the beginning of a new year, of a new decade, I’m also struck by the quickness of time. Even though January feels like forever ago, I’m still not really sure how I made it all the way to December. In many ways, I feel like 2019 was a year that I navigated with my eyes mostly closed, blindly wandering through the final year of my twenties and hurtling toward the new decade that will herald my thirties. 

The “Women of the World” book for April is one that I’ve been saving. When I started this project, I knew that Tomi Adeyemi’s Children of Blood and Bone would have to be one of my novels. And so, as a sort of “save dessert for last” exercise, I attempted to wait to read Children of Blood and Bone until further into the year. Obviously, I didn’t make it very far.