
women in STEM


So, let me start by saying that I realize that poetry is not for everyone. This is true for old poetry, with its repetitive rhymes and rigid structure, but it is also exceptionally true for much of modern poetry, which can sometimes read like some sort of self-indulgent exercise in emotional riddle-making. 

But, after hearing an interview with poet Franny Choi, I couldn’t wait to get a hold of her new book of poetry, Soft Science. I usually love poetry and was intrigued by the ways Choi said she wove together the threads of politics, gender, sexuality and technology in her new collection. She also said that she did so using the language of technology and science, which I thought had to be super cool. 

The announcement of the Nobel Prize winners each year is like the World Series or San Diego Comic Con for academics. I follow a lot of scientists and science communication folks on social media, and my feed was full of celebration when the 2018 Nobel Laureates were announced during the first week of October. It’s because for the first time in history, two women were awarded the Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry.