


Think back to when you were a kid and wanted nothing more than to discover you had secret magical powers. You weren’t always about which credit cards get you the most points, Pyrex dishware, or 401ks. You had moments of imagination and wonder. Adventures in your own backyard. We never gave a second thought to pretending we were an elven maiden on a quest to find a treasure hidden in an underwater cave guarded by a giant squid.

If you’re into tabletop RPGs, you have probably encountered the work of Grant Howitt — whether you know it or not. He’s the creator of the one-page wonder Honey Heist, which has been taking the gaming world by storm from Critical Role to your buddy’s after-work hangout. He’s got plenty of others up his sleeve: Pride and Extreme Prejudice, Big Gay Orcs, and the recent street racing raccoon epic Crash Pandas.

I’ll admit that when Honey Heist first landed, I considered it cute as a Twitter post but unfeasible beyond that. I was wrong. And I was happy to be wrong.