


New York Comic Con is a whirlwind of spectacle flowing over the crushing waves of excited humanity. While I can sometimes get intimidated by the sheer size of the crowds, it’s always worth my while to attend to see the brilliant, delightful, and otherwise impressive feats of cosplay that are on display.

This year I was thrilled to see more astounding mechanical builds, with their lighting rigs and moving parts, as well as a lot of ingenious mash-ups, cross gender play, and flat-out perfect renderings of some of my favorite characters. Check out the gallery below to see just a few of the awesome cosplayers I encountered.

NYCC fashion is… tricky. October weather in New York is unpredictable. If it’s warm outside, it’s usually freezing inside, and it’s always insanely humid, even if it’s only 70 degrees. All of that usually leaves part of me wanting to wear leggings, a tank, and a cardigan every day, especially when I have to work. The other part of me, though– the part that literally went to fashion school– never allows that.

So, I planned my con outfits carefully. I started watching the weather closely as far in advance as I could. I searched through the depths of my closet to ensure I wouldn’t have to go on yet another shopping spree, and I did pretty well. (Turned out I already owned everything except for a cardigan I needed to buy for the season anyway.) And finally, when the weekend came, I had four, perfectly planned-out outfits for NYCC. Here’s what I wore!

Note: Bad lighting brought to you by unpredictable weather!

I love everything fashion and beauty, but I’m not one who always wants to sacrifice comfort for the sake of it. This especially applies to working at and attending conventions. Thousands of people crammed into one building, harsh fluorescent lights, and blasting AC that somehow make the entire building both humid and freezing at the same time certainly doesn’t sound like an event to dress up for. (That’s why I admire cosplayers so much. Those that wear their cosplay all day operate on a level of commitment I will never be able to comprehend.) Of course, years of convention-going experience has prepped me for the worst conditions. And with NYCC just around the corner, I figured there’s no better time to share with you my five comic con beauty essentials!

Without these five products, I wouldn’t survive any con, let alone my biggest one of the year next weekend.