


Sometimes I want to go to the movies and just have fun. Even if what I’m seeing is silly. (Jumanji anyone? I’m still eagerly awaiting that DVD.) For me, Early Man fit that bill perfectly.

Any Aardman Animation film is guaranteed to catch my attention, especially since Chicken Run has always been one of my favorites. I think the characters are so charmingly designed and the knowledge of the effort that goes into creating a claymation film fascinates me.

This weekend I finally saw Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and, needless to say, it really got me thinking about convention preparedness. I’ll agree it may seem like a leap from Jumanji to Cosplay Survival Guide, but both are games of survival so I think they are more alike than they may appear. Con season is right around the corner, and from one cosplayer to another: it’s dangerous to go alone. Make sure you take these things!