
comic con


It all started because of David Tennant.

Doesn’t it always? I had never been to any kind of comic convention before. But when I saw that the Tenth Doctor himself would be appearing at my local con (Awesome Con!!!) back in 2017, I knew I had to get tickets. I bought the full weekend David Tennant VIP pass. This would guarantee a photo and autograph. AND I’d get preferred seating at his main stage panel. To be honest, in the beginning, I figured I’d probably ONLY do DT-related stuff. And that I’d be perfectly happy with my con experience.

I’m pretty sure I was always a geek.

I was one of the “smart kids” in high school. I was wholly obsessed with musical theater. Instead of getting drunk on the weekends with the “cool kids,” I hung out at the local coffee shop with my also-geeky friends and played guitar and talked about books. I distinctly remember the re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy back in 1997. My pals and I got in line super early for each film, ensuring that we’d be in the front row of the theater for the ultimate hard-core fan experience. It didn’t matter how many times we had seen the movies. We ALWAYS found some nuance to discuss or some wild theory to argue.