
Brand Spotlight


Being a geek girl with a love for fashion is really starting to take a toll on my wallet, and it’s getting to the point where there are so many amazing brands and companies out there that I don’t even care anymore. 

You may have seen me shout out Prophecy Girl on our Instagram (@sartorialgeek) in the past, but I love them so much, we’re bringing that love to the blog, too.

Through our Cosmetic Corner segment, I think it’s safe to say I’ve made one thing very clear: I really, really love makeup.

Obviously, I’m no Instagram-make-up-artist-level expert. BUT! I’m perfectly comfortable with that. It’s just fun— to play, to experiment, and to splurge in the name of self-care. (Thank god we have that as an excuse now to rationalize buyer’s remorse, right?)

Well, recently, I found my new favorite place to do that: Besame Cosmetics.