Between grad school and a pandemic, I feel like Steve Rogers coming out of the ice: confused and out of touch with the world around me. As society begins taking baby steps towards pre-pandemic normalcy, it’s time I made an effort to rejoin the world. This is the time of year for resolutions and declarations of “New Year New Me!”. Well, I suck at resolutions and positive affirmations, but I am good with a challenge or task to complete. So, I have decided to create a new project for myself with your help!
Creating the List
What began as a geek bucket list of things to try and discuss has evolved into a continuously growing To Do list of items that you all have recommended. The list includes a wide variety. For instance, the simple: having a Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition marathon and attending a Con. To the extreme: getting a fandom tattoo and hosting a podcast. I told myself that I will try everything recommended at least once. But you all are not making it easy! How do you even come up with an idea for a podcast, let alone the confidence to record your voice for all to hear?
What Am I Trying to Gain from this Project?
Now, this project is not just to entertain myself. The real reason I am setting this challenge for myself is because we all have aspects of ourselves that we don’t like, so this will force me to confront some of those. I hope that by pushing myself out of my comfort zone I can work on gaining confidence, challenging some insecurities, and confronting things like impostor syndrome. I realize now that this is going to be much harder than it seems on paper.
Do I think writing about this list is going to actually help me overcome my insecurities? I don’t know. Just writing this intro piece already has the nagging voice in my head saying, “No one is going to want to read about this.” That voice is making me second guess myself. My hope is that I am not the only one struggling with confronting these issues. Most importantly, if I can discuss my experience with confronting them, others will be able to as well (or at least learn from my mistakes).
The thought of trying some of these activities is already giving me anxiety and making me want to hide. It sounds weird but by letting you all make the suggestions, it is a bit easier for me because it is taking away the pressure of decision making. It feels like a “Choose your own Adventure” story and you, the readers, are in control. All that’s left for me to do is to start crossing things off the list one by one!

Add To My List!
Want to join the project but aren’t sure how? Let me hear your suggestions! Nothing is too big, too small, too crazy, or too far away! You could say “Mac & Cheese with hot sauce is life changing,” and I would add it to my list! Tell me in the comments or message me on Instagram!
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