If you are squeamish and don’t like the sight of blood and guts (however fake) on your TV or movie screen, you probably didn’t love much of Preacher episode 9. I was right there with you. While we made some progress on a few plot points, I felt disappointed at the end of this one.

Let’s get the grossness out of the way first.

In the previous installment, the Allfather was preparing to transfer Genesis to the “real” Messiah, having perfected the good/bad cocktail after experimenting on a bunch of Humperdoo clones. Now, after confessing that he has a gun in his pocket and that Starr wanted him to kill the Allfather, Jesse asks to be unchained so he can die on his knees, before God. The Allfather agrees, which is a bad decision. Jesse somehow moves the transfer device from his neck to the Allfather’s, so that when Genesis is transferred, it goes to the Allfather and promptly blows him up. All of him. And he was a large man. Blech.

Even more blech? Watching Jesse’s soul drop to the floor…out of Allfather’s sphincter. Starr and Jesse fight for it, through the mess of entrails and bodily goo. But, Jesse gets to the vial first and gobbles up its contents. Now he has everything he needs to be done with the Grail and go back to Angelville to kill Gran’ma. But not before commanding Starr that he can no longer wear hats (prompting a VERY funny wig selection scene later in the episode) and setting free all of the Humperdoo clones (who promptly wander into traffic).

Next up, let’s check in on our Hell-goers!

Tulip and Jody arrive at the bus stop to grab the suitcase of souls from Featherstone, which they do. Unfortunately, though, Eugene sees Tulip and loudly calls to her from the bus. This alerts the Angel of Death that she has the wrong brunette Grail officer, a mistake that is quickly rectified. Once Tulip is on board, she immediately starts assessing the escape options, while Hitler whines about where his Nazi saviors are.

Tulip starts smack-talking the Saint and the Angel to distract them. We learn that it’s breaking the rules to bring Eugene and Tulip to Hell, since they’re not actually dead. After a couple of escape efforts fail, Tulip gets the Saint to hit her so hard that her head breaks one of the bus windows. But, just as Hitler is getting out, his beloved S.S. arrive in a tank and flip the whole bus. Based on the closing shots, I’m not entirely sure who survived (well, of the living, anyway).

Finally, in what to me was the deepest and most interesting storyline…

We join Cassidy as he is disgustedly telling Eccarius that he is NOT down with his vampire-murdering ways. He says that he’s going to tell all of the Enfants what Eccarius has done. Eccarius begs Cassidy to reconsider, saying that they are so close to happiness together. It physically pained me to hear Cassidy’s response, essentially condemning himself to death: “I’d rather be sad.” Eccarius crucifies Cassidy to a pool table in the basement, where the sun through a small window will eventually creep over and burn him slowly. When the lady of the house comes down later to do laundry, she won’t set Cassidy free. But he asks her to call Lisa as a favor, to tell her he’s sorry, and also to (hopefully) show her that the new vampires have not been sent to the airport as Eccarius claims.

At the very end of the episode, T.C. worries to Gran’ma that neither Jody nor Jesse have returned. Gran’ma assures him that Jesse will come back. “He’s coming to kill me,” she says, matter-of-factly. She doesn’t seem too concerned about that prospect, so I am very interested to see what she has up her sleeve…

Who else is both stoked and sad about the season finale??? Also – the episode title means “dickhead” in German. The more you know . . .

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Betty is a Whovian living in Washington, DC. By day, she is a community servant for Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors, a nonprofit that builds custom homes for combat-wounded veterans. By night, she has a skincare business that enables her to change peoples’ lives while earning extra coin to go to more cons. Betty also loves playing with her pibble (Jack), traveling the world with her husband, yelling about hockey on Twitter, and taking every opportunity to meet new, awesome people.

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