We’re back with a mini tip, and this week we have the first #SGSelfCareTip!
Badali Jewelry is a family business that has been around since 1997. They have SO MANY cool licensed collections, like Shades of Magic, The Dresden Files, Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and Niobe.
No one asked for this, but I feel like it’s well worth sharing. I think that routine is so helpful; I know what I’m doing every day and that makes things a little bit easier for me. Big shout out to anxiety and depression, of course, because they make routine a bit of a necessity!
I’ve recently become obsessed with anything and everything author V.E. Schwab writes and am on an excessive binge read of all her books.
Top Fandom: Oh gosh. That is so hard. Probably Harry Potter, but Doctor Who and Star Wars are huge for me as well.
If you were so sad to see the Orphan Black TV show end, you can still get your fix of badass sci-fi feminist storytelling with Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. It’s narrated by the one and only Emmy Award winner Tatiana Maslany. Yes, get excited.
Are you afraid to wear short skirts? Nervous that even the slightest breeze could ruin your day? Worry no more, because Liz has a trick to save us all.
This year I let go of the controls, and ask Devs what games they’re excited about at PAX West 2019 . . .
The Good Place is a rare show that can be totally silly and extremely emotional in the same episode.
Before the episode, we have a special shoutout for our newest Patreon supporters: Rachel, Britta, Sonia, Anne, Darla, Laura, Michelle, and Kelley! We’ve really leveled up our Patreon…
I loved the well-crafted mystery of One of Us is Lying, so seeing Two Can Keep a Secret while at Barnes & Noble felt like a sign.
Thanks to recent collabs like @heyjenbartel x @Adidas and @Vans x #HarryPotter, comfy and nerdy shoes are a thing (and a thing we love).
For August’s Women of the World book, I specifically wanted to find a Latina author. Last month, I realized that though I’d done a pretty good job of…
Supernatural is finally coming to end after 15 long seasons of pure and amazing butt-kicking brothers. I have followed the show since I was a kid and remember…
Thank you so much, San Diego Comic Con, for inviting us back for a second year to do a live podcast recording!
I got an email about books featuring teen pregnancy, and Belly Up by Eva Darrows was on the list. While it wasn’t a priority to read at the…
Thanks @tanfrance for helping us all quickly level up our outfits. This one’s a really simple tip: tuck in just the front of your shirt while letting the sides and back hang loose. This works especially well with bulky or boxy tops!
I grabbed Emergency Contact by Mary H. K. Choi book ages ago, and I’m seriously bummed it took me this long to read it! But I finally picked…
I’m so excited for this interview that’s been a year in the making: Paul Wynns from the Kevin Workman Foundation. I met Paul at San Diego Comic Con last year, and we finally got our schedules to align to be able to sit down and talk about the wonderful organization that is KWF.