This mini episode is combining convention tips and fashion tips because our next fashion challenge is starting next week!
ALSO we have a special offer on Patreon until the end of the month for anyone who’s listening live! Check it out!
This mini episode is combining convention tips and fashion tips because our next fashion challenge is starting next week!
ALSO we have a special offer on Patreon until the end of the month for anyone who’s listening live! Check it out!
The first thing that most people think of when they think of geeky crafts is fan art. It’s fun to see what parts of fandoms inspire people. Not all geeky art is specific; sometimes it’s a great new skill to learn or a new way to express yourself. That’s where Chemknits comes in.
We’d like to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsor, LoganArch! I’m so excited to introduce you two two members of the Black Girls Create team,…
I love podcasts because of the diversity in topics. There’s something for everyone! My current topic of choice is comedy, so here’s a comprehensive list of what I’m listening to!
Happy new year and new decade, geeks! To break up the monotony of the long winter season, and that even longer January we just had, we’re back with the short version of our #SGFashionFix Challenge! This time, our prompts coincide with the Girl Power themes of the re-introduced 5 Fandom Friday prompts.
Lately, I have been feeling nostalgic and wanting to re-watch movies in my collection. This includes the 2006 supernatural thriller The Covenant.
By now, I’m assuming most theatre-goers have seen the final film in the Skywalker saga at least once (some of us more than once). But for those who haven’t seen The Rise of Skywalker, be warned! We’re talking heavy spoilers in this post.
Following up on our “take care of your skin” tip from last week… this week we’re taking care of our feet!
Top Fandom: Pokémon. My son plays my N64 and Gameboy. And the holographic cards? I know he’s thankful. Now, if only I kept all of those Power Rangers…
Before Tyrian Lannister was drinking and knowing things, Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) had Guinan, played by Whoopi Goldberg, who tended bar and listened. She appears in 15 episodes, often drawing out philosophical and social conversations from the crew, even forcing high ranking persons (Picard, for example) to confront racism, concepts of redemption, and their own leadership methods.
Ah, the walking simulator. Also known as “story rich” games, they’re my favorite form of storytelling and preferred video game genre. For quite a few of us, 2020…
I’ll admit it—I’ve been a villain fangirl for a long time. I stan the baddies, and I appreciate when writers offer real insight into how their villains tick. Plus, our favorite heroes wouldn’t have the opportunity to show off as much without an archenemy to challenge them. So, I’ve rounded up ten of my favorite Darksiders, in no particular order—it was hard enough to narrow them down—and made my case for why you should love to hate them.
I do a pretty good job keeping up with movies, but TV is definitely my speciality. For this week’s Thursday Movie Picks, we’re chatting favorite new series of 2019. Let’s go.
Beauty nerds worldwide have been taking more and more steps to join in the biggest cause we have: our planet. Straws started coming into the spotlight as a problem in 2018, and I’ve been seeing new ways to reduce waste all over. So let’s dive in and save the planet!
Kitty Yeung is a physicist, artist, maker, fashion designer and musician based in Silicon Valley, California. While working on quantum computing in her day job, Kitty is passionate about integrating technology, science, design and art.
I first thought, light or dark. Jedi or Sith. Empire or Rebellion. First Order or Resistance. There are just many levels of it. I could wear Disneybound or I could just wear Star Wars merch and call it a day. But I knew in my #geekchic heart, it couldn’t be that simple.
While NYC is usually known as the place to go for bar hopping, Emily takes us through some great places upstate. There are some great spots in Hometown USA!
I’m on a mission to learn about and support all geeky podcasts. Podcasting is a wild world, and I think this mission is going to take me a while, but I’ve started keeping track of my findings here. If you know of any great geeky podcasts that I’m missing, please let me know in the comments!
Film adaptations on Broadway are abundant and almost overstaying their welcome. They tend to stay close to the film’s storyline and are unable to expand the world significantly. Television source material, however, is a vast and open landscape with hundreds of hours of story and character development already completed. This allows musical producers to develop original stories using characters we already deeply know and love from spending countless binge-able hours with them.
We know that I stan a ladyboss, and we are all here for some good lipsticks. So of course we’ve got to talk about Safiya Nygaard’s collaboration with ColorPop!