I’ve been pretty obsessed with D&D since I started playing a weekly campaign last year. As a group of New Yorkers living in relatively-tight apartments, our group has to be conscious of our gaming supplies and how much space they need. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, I stumbled across a Kickstarter campaign that solves this exact problem.

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: GTG Minis For Tabletop RPGs

Geek Tank Games has created 2D mini figures that pop into bases when you need them (and otherwise can be stored flat). There are seven sets to choose from, and you can also purchase the accompanying bases or a set of custom storage sheets. And the best part? These are incredibly affordable. For just $15, you can get an entire set. Insta-purchase!

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: GTG Minis For Tabletop RPGs

There are only 48 hours left in their campaign, and they’re already fully funded (and have two successful campaigns under their belt) so you don’t have to worry about whether or not this project will actually happen.

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: GTG Minis For Tabletop RPGs

What do you think, adventurers? Who needs these minis? Which set is your favorite?


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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