American Horror Story certainly has had its ups and downs over the years. Some seasons were brilliant and smart and perfectly-written, while others fell short and underwhelmed me. Coven, the show’s third installment, was a season I had a love/hate relationship with. (i.e.: LOVE: Most of the concept. The fashion. Sarah Paulson. HATE: The fact that it seemed to take part in turning Wicca/witchcraft/paganism into something “trendy”. I’m not saying Ryan Murphy is entirely responsible for the Sephora “witch starter kit“, but I’m not NOT blaming him, either.) But there’s one thing I can’t deny: Misty Day, Lily Rabe’s powerful, eccentric, Stevie Knicks-loving witch, is a total style icon.

(Minor spoiler for American Horror Story: Apocalypse ahead)

It was in the most recent episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse that my love for Misty Day was reignited. Honestly, I can’t believe I’d forgotten how much I adored her and her gentle spirit. (Gentle might actually be an understatement. Her own personal “hell” turned out to be her having to dissect a frog repeatedly.) She’s a meek, underrated soul that honestly deserved a place in this segment a long time ago.

There is as much to love about Misty’s wardrobe as there is the witch herself, such as…

Essential outerwear

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Misty idolizes Stevie Knicks more than anyone, so it’s no surprise that their styles are nearly identical. From fringe to top hats, no style element is too much or too strange for these respective queens. Something they’ve both seemed to master is the art of layering: sweaters and cardigans over kimono-style shrugs and vice versa. Misty’s perfectly layered outfits are the kind that can have five pieces taken away from them and she’d still be left fully clothed.

Dreany boho chic

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Misty Day’s outfits definitely reflect her character. Part ethereal beauty, part goth, all 70’s bohemian. And this isn’t your mother’s Anthropologie-esque bohemian, either. Misty’s dreamy boho style is the kind that rolls straight out of the back of a van on its way to Woodstock making a pit stop at your local thrift store.

No such thing as over-accessorizing

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Surely, this is part of her love for layering, but it’s still worth a separate mention because her pendants and rings and stacked bracelets and scarves are hard to ignore. Coco Chanel was once quoted, re: accessorizing, as saying, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Misty’s philosophy is the exact opposite of that, which is pretty bold in itself, but I’m a firm believer in challenging rules, especially when it comes to fashion. Obviously, Misty was, too, which is why she’s the style icon I will definitely be pulling inspiration from this season.

Need more fictional fashion in your life? Check out last week’s style icon, Leia Organa.


Tristan puts her fashion business degree to good use as the operations manager at Jordandené. She spends most of her free time writing, baking, and watching reruns of The Office.