If Superstore‘s Cheyenne Lee had a Patronus, it would undoubtedly be a unicorn.

She’s bubbly, outgoing, smart in her own way, and incredibly unique. Cheyenne can always be found rocking a wild print whether on her shirt or her shoes, and crazy hair accessories a la Lizzie Maguire (are ’90s hairstyles making a comeback?!).

I love a lot of things about Cloud 9’s makeup counter queen, from her ride or die loyalty to family and friends, to her contagious unbridled optimism, but I think my favorite thing about her is that she reinvents her existing wardrobe for all of her Halloween costumes:

90s babies can probably just raid their old Delia’s stash to be Cheyenne-Lee-cosplay-ready, but for everyone else, here’s how to get the look!
Butterfly Bobby Pins (Delia’s)

Patterned Fuzzy Sweater (Delia’s)

Galaxy Angel Iced Velvet Leggings (Black Milk)

Platform Sneakers (Delia’s)

Add some obnoxiously bright eye shadow that matches your shirt, or even your purple highlights (but skip accepting any flash mob proposals that happen to come your way) and you’re well on your way to having a heavenly day.

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