Because who hasn’t spent an evening trolling for silly Star Wars YouTube vids? (And if you haven’t, I highly recommend pouring yourself a glass of pinot and doing likewise.)

  1. Star Wars but every time someone shoots a laser it speeds up. The fastest way to watch A New Hope.
  2. [Telnet] Star Wars IV: ASCII versionThis is for all 80s kids who grew up with tube displays and 5.25” floppies.
  3. Star Wars Undercover BossI know everybody’s seen this one, but it needs to be seen again. And again.
  4. Darth Vader Being a JerkI heart smartass-Darth Vader.
  5. Star Wars Cast on Blue Peter in 1980This is an old interview from the BBC with Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill that a friend sent me the other day, and it’s weird. (I’ve never seen anyone give an interview while cuddling a turtle before.)


Bonus: Star Wars Ultimate Medley – Sonya Belousova (dir: Tom Grey). This brilliant pianist plays an amazing medley, costumed as different characters from the Star Wars universe. It’s incredible.


What did I miss? Send me the weirdest, silliest, and best of Star Wars YouTube vids in the comments below.

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Sarah is a writer, marketer, music theater performer, and super geek who can't seem to stop buying Star Wars jewelry and old video game consoles.

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