I’m on a mission to learn about and support all geeky podcasts. Podcasting is a wild world, and I think this mission is going to take me a while, but I’ve started keeping track of my findings here. If you know of any great geeky podcasts that I’m missing, please let me know in the comments! Here are five of my favorites:

The Sartorial Geek Podcast

If you remember our first 5 Fandom Friday of the year, one of my top goals for 2020 is to grow our listeners at The Sartorial Geek. So, of course it made my list of top geeky podcasts! We chat with all kinds of cool and creative people in geeky spaces and have weekly mini episodes with tips for self care, convention prep, and nerdy fashion. Please give us a listen!

David Tennant Does a Podcast With…

Do you love David Tennant’s voice more than life itself? This is the podcast for you. David Tennant chats with friends and fellow actors (like Olivia Coleman, Sir Ian McKellen, and Jon Hamm) about, anything. Life, work, childhood stories, wherever the conversation leads. It really is a wonderful as it sounds.

WatchYA Readin?

If you want to know what’s happening in queer YA literature, this is the podcast for you. Mallory talks about anticipated releases, reading goals, and lots of #OwnVoices stories. Plus, her cheery voice will absolutely brighten your day.

The Adventure Zone

TAZ was my very first interaction with D&D, and I’ll never stop being grateful for that. The McElroy family takes you on so many adventures through multiple role playing games. There are so, so many episodes to choose from, so you can go back to the beginning or pick up at the beginning of a newer campaign. Here there be gerblins!

Fated Mates

Fated Mates is the perfect podcast for the romance lovers among us. Co-hosted by author Sarah MacLean and critic Jen Prokop, they touch on everything from read-alongs to recommendations to fighting the patriarchy. You definitely want to subscribe!

What are your favorite geeky podcasts? Please let me know!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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