Having finished binges of both Parks and Rec (yes, I know I was late to the game) and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, husband and I were pondering what series to tackle next. I threw out Russian Doll, and we watched the first episode . . . and then proceeded to finish the entire show in one night. Here’s why you should add it to your queue right this minute . . .

It stars Natasha Lyonne
I mean, that could be reason enough, right? You loved her in American Pie and Orange is the New Black (among MANY other credits), and you’re always looking for ways to get more of her sultry New York accent into your life. Oh, and in addition to being the show’s star (which she absolutely is), she also created it, wrote for it, and executive produced it – along with Amy Poehler and Leslye Headland!
It’s only eight 30-minute (ish) episodes
Totally doable, whether smooshed together or spread out over time. Hey, I’m not gonna tell you how to binge – that is a very personal decision, like thongs vs. briefs, or David Tennant vs. Matt Smith. Just kidding on that last one – everyone knows the answer is David Tennant. The answer is ALWAYS David Tennant.

The premise is crazy interesting
I’m gonna try to avoid major spoilers here, because the less you know about the show, the better. But I think it’s pretty well-known at this point that the plot of Russian Doll centers around the fact that Lyonne’s character, Nadia, tries to figure out why she keeps repeatedly dying at her 36th birthday party. Lest you worry that this is just another Groundhog Day, DON’T – Russian Doll does so much more with the premise than you can even imagine.

It’s got comedy AND drama
If you can wrap your head around the plot, it’s pretty easy to surmise that there are laughs AND tears. Indeed, what starts off seeming like a (very good) dark comedy quickly turns into a more substantive and dramatic story. And with the format of the show (i.e., short episodes), each installment really packs a punch.
So go! Grab that remote and settle in for Russian Doll! Who’s already seen it? Any non-spoilery comments to add?
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