In this WandaVision recap I’ll be covering both the third and fourth episodes. I don’t know about you, but for me the more WandaVision, the better!
Warning: this article contains SPOILERS.
How did Wanda get pregnant? Is Vision starting to realize that he’s dead? Is Geraldine a figment of Wanda’s imagination?
If you’re anything like me and have been cycling through these questions in your head day and night, then it’s time to have a WandaVision recap!
Episode 3: “Now In Color“
The third installment, appropriately titled “Now In Color,” comes in the form of a ’70s TV show, complete with Brady Bunch style intros, vegetable-colored clothing, and groovy slang.
In comparison to the first two WandaVision episodes, this episode has a lot fewer Easter eggs and a lot more plot. It still leaves us questioning our sense of reality (as well as our sanity).
Let’s take a look at some the WandaVision secrets that are slowly coming to light.

Wanda’s Twins
Here’s what we know about Wanda’s pregnancy so far: it happens spontaneously, she goes into labor in less than a day, and it’s somehow related to her reality-warping powers.
It’s definitely not a regular pregnancy, but this isn’t the first time Wanda Maximoff has spontaneously impregnated herself.
In the House of M storyline, Wanda uses the essence of a demon to bring her sons William and Thomas to life.
The demon in question was Mephisto, one of the most evil beings in the Marvel universe. Understandably, he wasn’t very happy that Wanda siphoned his energy to create children for herself, so he took it back and the boys were wiped from existence.
Sometime later, it’s revealed that the souls of the boys weren’t destroyed but actually reincarnated into the bodies of Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd.
Billy and Tommy later grow up to be the teen superheroes, Wiccan and Speed, respectively.

But what does all this have to do with WandaVision?
Well, Billy and Tommy just so happen to be the names that Wanda and Vision lovingly pick out for their unborn child earlier in the episode.
Is this merely a coincidence? Or Are these just names that the writers seem to be fond of?
As a hardcore Marvelite, I can tell you with much certainty that this is not a coincidence. This is the MCU, and the MCU does not have coincidences. Everything in the MCU is intricately planned out and completely intentional. *Stares at you with Nick Fury level seriousness.*
All jokes aside, let’s look at the next big mystery.
Is Vision Waking Up?
Before this episode, we didn’t really have an idea of how aware Vision is of Wanda’s reality-warping powers. He seemed to just go along with whatever was happening at the moment. But now, Vision is slowly but surely showing signs of waking up.
In one scene, Wanda starts having contractions, and her powers get out of control.

The lights start flickering, the sink overflows, and all the household appliances go haywire. You know, the usual Wanda Maximoff effect. After a comical moment of escaping the kitchen, Wanda asks Vision if he thinks their neighbors are on to them.
A predictable laugh track plays, but Vision is nowhere near amused. For the first time in the series, Vision levels with Wanda and confesses that something feels very wrong to him.
Wanda is visibly uncomfortable and recreates the scene where Vision is more supportive than inquisitive.
After a very remarkable childbirth, Vision sees his neighbors, Agnes and Herb, gossiping suspiciously right in front of his house. Vision finds out that they’re talking about Geraldine, the newest addition to Westview who helped Wanda deliver her twins.
They tell him that Geraldine doesn’t have a home or a family, heavily implying that she’s a stranger who just popped up in town one day (which wouldn’t be too surprising, considering the weird nature of this show).
Herb agonizingly attempts to tell Vision the real reason why Geraldine is in Westview, and he almost does . . . until Agnes tells him to stop. In the blink of an eye, Agnes cheerfully takes off, and Herb goes back to acting like nothing’s wrong.

Vision, completely irked by what had just transpired, heads back to the house only to find Geraldine gone and Wanda eerily calm. He askes Wanda where Geraldine is and she ominously replies, “She had to rush home.”
By the looks of Vision’s expression, he’s not buying this excuse and actually looks very frightened of Wanda.
Although these are just tiny blips throughout one episode, they all add up into one collective theory: Vision is not only becoming aware of the reality beyond Westview, but he’s starting to realize that Wanda, the love of his life, may be the mastermind behind it.
Episode 4: “We Interrupt This Program“
The 4th episode doesn’t exactly bring us where we left off, but it does answer a boatload of questions. The first 10 minutes or so take place a few days before the events of the first three episodes.

Geraldine’s origin
It turns out Geraldine’s real name is Monica, and she’s the daughter of the late Maria Rambeau: a former pilot and Captain Marvel’s best friend.
Back in the ’90s, Rambeau was one of the people who helped create the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Department, more commonly known as S.W.O.R.D.
As the name suggests, this agency is responsible for observing and containing super beings that could pose a threat to the world (i.e. a reality-warping sorceress with a fetish for red and vintage sitcoms).
In the comics, however, S.W.O.R.D. protects Earth from extraterrestrial threats such as the shape-shifting Skrulls and the Kree, a warrior alien race.
Monica was of the unlucky ones who had disappeared during Thanos’ Snap in Infinity War. At the time of the Snap, Maria, Monica’s mother, was receiving treatment for cancer. The treatment was successful, but before Maria could be released, Monica had dozed off in the hospital room and passed away in her sleep.
Five years later, the Hulk reversed the original Snap, and Monica reappeared. She wakes up in the middle of literal chaos due to the fact that 50% of all life in the universe had suddenly reappeared.
After asking about her mom, one of the doctors explains that Maria had died from a cancer relapse two years after Monica had disappeared.
Monica decides to pick up where she left off and goes back to working as a S.W.O.R.D agent. Her first mission is to assist fellow agent, Jimmy Woo, in investigating the sudden appearance of a mysterious town called Westview.

Now, this is where things get interesting because we finally get some answers regarding the first three episodes:
Iron Man Helicopter
Remember this little trinket that wound up in Wanda’s bushes? Well that was the work of Jimmy and Monica.
In an effort to get more information on Westview, they used a miniature remote-controlled helicopter that could infiltrate the force field surrounding the town. The little guy ended up disappearing before their eyes, so Monica decided to examine the force field.
Needless to say, she ends up disappearing herself, and a freaked out Jimmy calls in the full might of S.W.O.R.D. to launch a full-on investigation.

The Voice on the Radio
That voice that Dottie and Wanda heard right before the talent show? That was Jimmy Woo trying to get a hold of Wanda. When Jimmy called in everyone from S.W.O.R.D., they recruited astrophysicist Darcy Lewis to monitor the radio waves emitting out of Westview.
She discovered that a broadcast frequency was entwined in the Westview radio waves and was able to intercept said frequency so that Jimmy could relay his message.

The Beekeeper
This poor soul was simply a S.W.O.R.D agent who was sent to investigate Westview. As soon as he stepped through the force field, his clothes changed to that of a beekeeper’s. I remember the days when everyone, including me, thought he was some character out of the Twilight Zone or the human form of Pennywise.
Final Thoughts
All in all, this episode is technically the mid-season finale as it ties up a lot of the loose ends from the first three episodes.
We know that Wanda isn’t being held against her will but is actually in full control of Westview and everything in it. We know that Geraldine and the rest of the Westview citizens are real people instead of just figments of Wanda’s imagination.
And we’ve already gotten a few clues that Vision is going to figure out the truth when the time comes.
I wish I could say that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, but with Scarlet Witch you can never be too sure.
We can’t rest easy even with all the info we have at our disposal.
Wanda has a few more tricks up that scarlet coat of hers, and she’ll be damned if she lets anyone (even if it’s her fellow Avengers) come between her and her perfect reality.

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