Welcome back to The Sartorial Geek where we discuss, reminisce, and fangirl about all things WandaVision!
All goods things must come to an end, and sadly that applies to WandaVision as well. By now, we’ve all seen the finale and are making our own conclusions about what’s next for the MCU. Will White Vision go back to being the Vision we all knew and loved? Will Wanda have to face Agatha again? Is there a chance Billy and Tommy will be revived? Can we expect to see any of the main characters in future MCU movies?
There are also some theories about the Infinity Stones and their relationship with this new generation of Avengers. The films in Phases 1-3 implied that there’s a subtle correlation between each of the original six Avengers and the Infinity Stones. Knowing how the mechanics of the MCU often play out, I find it plausible that such a correlation could also exist between the Stones and the main characters of WandaVision as well. Right now it’s just a theory, but I think it’s worth exploring.

Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
What’s next for Wanda
As with most if not all MCU properties, WandaVision left us with a cryptic scene in the end credits. The very last time we see Wanda, she’s hiding out in a tiny cottage in the mountains while her astral self vigorously studies the Darkhold. In the background, the screams of Billy and Tommy can be heard, pleading for Wanda to save them. It’s heavily implied that Wanda is trying to find their souls in whatever hellhole they landed in and will be able to fully resurrect them the next time we see her. What we know for sure, though, is that she’s embracing her Scarlet Witch persona and honing in on her on limitless power. Perhaps she’ll play an important role in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness and be able to finally utilize her power at its full potential.
Relationship with the Reality Stone
By now we all know that Wanda had always possessed extraordinary abilities, which were then amplified when she was exposed to the Mind stone. But after witnessing the events of WandaVision, it’s obvious that her powers are more akin to that of the Reality Stone. She created her own pocket dimension, she can choose who leaves, enters, or even sees said dimension, and she was able to regenerate Vision through her grief alone. Not to mention, she was unconsciously able to manipulate the minds of everyone in Westview 24/7. So I’d say that yes, Wanda is very much the living embodiment of the Reality Stone.

Vision/White Vision
What’s next
Now that Westview Vision is officially erased from existence, we only have White Vision. In the finale, it’s revealed that White Vision was the original Vision all along—he was just brainwashed and crazy, as TV tropes would like to put it. Judging from his abrupt departure during the climax, we are proabaly going to see White Vision again, only this time he’ll have regained his memories. As for his appearance, he’ll most likely be able to access the old version of himself, in all his red and green glory.
Relationship with the Mind Stone
As far as we can tell, Vision is the only Avenger that physically uses an Infinity Stone as the primary source of his power. He’s not just the embodiment of the Mind Stone, it’s literally a part of him and he, in fact, dies when it’s removed. Bruce Banner, a.k.a. the Hulk, has even said that Vision is a conglomeration of Iron Man, Jarvis, Ultron, the Mind Stone, and himself. Thus, if there’s no Mind Stone, there’s no Vision.

Monica Rambeau/Photon
What’s Next
Monica is last seen being approached by a S.W.O.R.D. agent who reveals herself to be a Skrull in disguise. She tells Monica that a friend of her mother, Maria, wants to meet with her. We never see who this person is, but it’s heavily implied that it’s Nick Fury. Maybe Captain Marvel needs help with the sudden influx of Blip victims on other planets and asked Fury to send help. Maybe Fury had heard of Monica’s newfound powers and has a mission for her here on Earth. Either way, it’s a nice two minute scene peppered with nostalgic touches that call to mind Fury’s peculiar way of recruiting Avengers.
Other than the extraordinary mission that Fury no doubt has planned for her, Monica will most likely go back to working with S.W.O.R.D. She may even join forces with Jimmy and help restructure it. She’s already lost five years of her life due to the Blip, so she’d probably be trying to make up for it by helping rebuild the agency her mother had created as well as taking on the mantle of Photon.
Relationship with the Space Stone
Anyone who has the fortune of possessing the Space Stone (without disintegrating, of course), will have the ability to travel anywhere in the universe. This includes distant planets, inhabitable locations, unknown galaxies, and even pocket dimensions that may or may not exist in our reality. Like with all the other stones, however, it’s sentient and tends to act on its own accord; thus the person who uses it must take this into account and understand that they may not always end up where they intended to. The most prominent example of this is when the Space Stone sent the Red Skull to Vormir (instead of turning him into a god or whatever the hell Red Skull thought it would do.)
Episode 7 showed us that Monica can not only travel the Hex dimension in Westview but also detect the radiation that it emits. This in turn allows her to see the parts of reality that Wanda has rewritten. It’s especially evident in the technicolor vision that Monica gets when she finally breaks through. It’s also important to mention that she can somehow withstand being in the Hex without losing her memory or knowledge of her true identity. This therein proves that Monica can now travel freely between pocket dimensions, very much like how a Space Stone user would be able to teleport to a different point in the universe.

Agatha Harkness
What’s next
There’s a good chance that Agatha will break Wanda’s spell and either seek vengeance or try to become more powerful than her (knowing how obsessed she is with Wanda, it’s probably the former). After all, Agatha was able to withstand Wanda’s mental manipulation for a majority of the show; who’s to say that she can’t figure out a way to do it again? Plus, as far as we know, Agatha was one of the most powerful magical beings on the planet (aside from, you know, Dr. Strange); I highly doubt that 400 years worth of magical studies and witchery are just going to fly out the window.
Relationship with the Power Stone
There’s a grave and very prominent similarity between Agatha and the Power Stone. In the finale, Agatha states that stealing and absorbing other witches’ powers is kind of her thing. We see this firsthand in a flashback where she sucks her entire coven dry of their powers, turning them into lifeless husks.
It turns out that this is also the Power Stone’s thing as well.
According to the Collector, the Power Stone must be distributed amongst a group of exceptional beings so that they can all collectively withstand its magnificent cosmic power. We witness exactly what this look like in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1. During the climax, Starlord activates the Stone and quickly begins to disintegrate. His teammates Drax, Rocket, and Gamora all see this and decide to help him out by touching him. For a few agonizing seconds, the four let the contents of the Stone spread throughout their bodies, causing their skin to crack and purple cosmic energy to leak out. Now while this scene doesn’t match that of Agatha’s execution, you have to admit, it is uncannily similar. Thus, in a way, Agatha definitely possesses the life sucking ability of the Power Stone, and she seems to be aware of it too.

Billy & Tommy
What’s Next
At this point, It’s impossible to tell what the MCU has in store for Billy and Tommy. We don’t even know where they are, if they are alive, or even if they’re in our dimension. As far as I can tell, Wanda will be able to revive them, but they most likely won’t be wholly human or even the good-natured kids we met in WandaVision.
Relationship with the Soul Stone
Let’s be real, not much is ever said about the Soul Stone, even during the main conflicts on the big screen. All we know is that it was hidden in Vormir for millenia and the only way you can get to it is to kill the person you love the most; very much like how Wanda had to let the Hex kill Vision and the children in order to free the people of Westview. So maybe Wanda has the soul stone and is using it to revive the twins? Given all the info we don’t have about the Soul Stone, it’s anybody’s guess how it’s going to come into play for the foreseeable future.
Time Stone
Unlike the other Infinity Stones, the Time Stone doesn’t have a WandaVision counterpart. Since we’ve only ever seen the Time Stone being used by the Sorcerer Supreme (aka Doctor Strange), it probably won’t show up until Multiverse of Madness.

Finale Thoughts
All in all, I felt like the finale was very anticlimactic. I expected Agatha to pull off an Infinity War scenario where she actually won and Wanda just had to deal with it. Instead, she just floated in the air, cackled, and tried to piss off Wanda. I also expected Pietro to be a Quicksilver from a parallel universe. It would have been a great segue to start adding the X-Men to the MCU, plus it would’ve been beneficial for Wanda because at least she would have her twin brother back. Granted, it wasn’t actually Age of Ultron Pietro, but it would’ve been cool to see them interact with each other since they’re twins from parallel dimensions.
I just wanted to let you all now how much I appreciate you’re reading my WandaVision recaps! I had a blast writing them, and I seriously hope there’s going to be second season so we can explore more of Phase Four. However, I do plan to do recaps for the upcoming Loki TV series. He’s one of the most lovable Asgardians, and it would be cool explore his perspective on what transpired over the years.
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