Tarot cards are one of the most famous forms of divination. Originating as playing cards in the mid-15th century, by the late 18th century they had been adapted for occult purposes. Their symbolic nature means that they have been used as imagery in all manner of artwork, including video games. Have you played these video games featuring tarot?
A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards. 22 of these are known as the major arcana, which represent the major goings on in life. These are the most well-known cards, such as: The Sun; The High Priestess; and The Devil. The other 56 cards, the minor arcana, speak more to the subtleties of a situation.
Unsurprisingly, artists have often drawn on the tarot for inspiration. Game developers are no exception to this rule. With this in mind, here are a selection of games that include the Tarot.
Dance of Death: Du Lac and Fey
Tarot cards feature heavily in this narrative driven exploration of London at the time of Jack the Ripper. The player character gets a reading at one point. Magic Cabin Studios designed a special set of cards that are used in game. There are even a few physical copies around for people who backed the game’s kickstarter. The designs on the cards are a beautiful take on the traditional symbolism of the tarot, and the reading in game adds to the sense of supernatural significance while the player is solving historically accurate crimes.
The Binding of Isaac

This cult favourite indie roguelike features Tarot cards as consumable items. Like every item in the game, players must rely on remembering their function from previous playthroughs. Those with knowledge of the cards’ meanings have an advantage, however, since the developers cleverly tied the function to the interpretation of the cards in fortune telling. The Fool, for example, which is often seen to represent the beginning of a journey, takes you back to the first room of a level. The art style of the cards is the same as the rest of the game, cartoony and childlike, with a dark twist. Physical decks were released at one point, but now they only show up once in a Moon card on Ebay.
The Shapeshifting Detective

In this full motion video game, the player must work out which of three tarot readers is responsible for a murder they all predicted. Employing live action film footage alongside a choose your own adventure style system makes this an unusual, immersive experience for players. Luckily for you, you can shapeshift and interact with the suspects under different guises in order to gain a fuller picture of the truth.
Sayonara Wild Hearts

This arcade style musical mobile game was released this year to critical acclaim. It even inspired my last article! Tarot cards feature heavily in the symbolism of the game, with cards appearing in levels to indicate the underlying story to the protagonist’s relationships. The player even surfs on board tarot cards and uses them as weapons to defeat opponents! As with some of the other entries on this list, a physical deck does exist. You’ll have to be quick off the mark to get one though, since they tend to sell out rapidly!
Would you play any of these video games featuring tarot? Which one appeals the most? Let us know in the comments below.
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