If you follow any of the official Doctor Who social media accounts, you’re probably aware of the browser based game they’ve released that is inspired by the popular game ”2048”.
They’re calling it “Thirteen,” but personally I insist on referring to it as “Troughton Zero Baker McGann.“ Because, 2-0-4-8. (Don’t @ me, I like it. Lame or not.)

The objective is clear. Use your arrow keys or swipe to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same Doctor touch, they merge into one and regenerate into the next Doctor. You keep doing this until you have Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor on your screen. Easy enough, right?

Well, it isn’t! It’s kept me awake some nights because I have to give it “just one more try.”
Has anyone else sat up in the middle of the night and seen little sliding Doctors floating in front of their face? No? Cool, cool. Me neither.

In the last two weeks, I’ve seen William Hartnell’s and Patrick Troughton’s face more than my own family’s.
I’m so desperate to catch a glimpse of Christopher Eccleston that I’ve single-handedly bumped the HBO Max Series 1 numbers up by at least 2048%.

All joking aside, it is far more enjoyable than it is frustrating. I think it’s great that the official Doctor Who website continues to put out some awesome activities and content to keep us occupied during this weird time. If you haven’t checked out the Staying in the TARDIS content, I highly recommend you do so.
If nothing else, it gives us something to do while we wait for The Doctor to show up and save us from 2020!

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