In 1995 the gift of Powerline, the fictional pop star in A Goofy Movie, was bestowed upon us. Performed by Tevin Campbell, Powerline is the hottest act in this cartoon world, and his big concert becomes a center point in the film. When our protagonist, Max, son of Goofy, is forced to go on a father-son road trip and has to cancel his much sought after date with the lovely Roxanne (he won her over by pretending to be Powerline), he lies and tells her his good ol’ dad knows Powerline and he is heading to the concert, the only “good” reason he can come up with to cancel on her.

Roxanne buys it, of course. Why wouldn’t she? Powerline is everything you want in a pop star: incredible singer and dancer, killer fashion, beautiful voice. He is a phenomenon, his concert an instant sell out, his songs top hits. He is a merchandise dream!
Yet he only has two songs?!
Here are the top 5 reasons we need, and deserve, a full Powerline album.
1. I 2 I and Stand Out are ANTHEMS.

“I 2 I” is hopeful, catchy, romantic. It has synthesizers galore. The hook gives me goosebumps. It comes with its own choreography. It is an earworm that buries deep in your brain. You hum it while doing dishes. Your heart swells when it comes on your Spotify. It is a bonafide jam that stands the test of time. A perfect theme to a movie. Plus the key change . . . THE KEY CHANGE. I am crying just thinking about it.
“Stand Out” slaps (Is that what the kids say?). A pump up spectacle of a song, it has a message every teen needs: Keep trying for what you want, and you’ll stand out. It is confident, fresh, and fun. It even has a spoken word section! Plus a terrific bridge. What could be more 1995?
2. He sells out an LA arena.

Powerline sells out so fast that Max has to create the lie that his dad knows the singer personally because no one would believe he was able to get tickets. This is Taylor Swift level concert ticket sales. Would that be possible with only two songs? The album has to be filled with hits to have fingers flying as fast as possible to snatch those tickets up. Plus, it’s an LA venue. It must be huge!
3. He is a fashion icon.

Yellow jumpsuit? Killer dance moves? Hair that is crimped and styled in an impossible, defying gravity way? Powerline is merely waiting to become the new face of a Versace campaign.
4. He is a great showman

The one song we do get to see him perform, “I 2 I,” is a show stopping number (and not just because Goofy and Max interfere). His performance rivals that of the boy bands of the early 2000s. Pyrotechnics! Flying! Lasers! Choreography! Gorgeous backup dancers! He has to have more than two songs to do a full fledged show like that. This isn’t the Grammys. It is a concert. Where are those songs?
5. Every artist makes an album

It is impossible that a massive music superstar has only two songs in his catalog. Even if those were his singles, any producer would be chomping at the bit to make more records so Powerline could gain even more fame and money for himself and the record company. Why else would it be called the music business?
A true opportunity has been missed here. Think of the merchandise! Think of the possible shows in the parks! I can’t help but wonder if there is a Powerline album gathering dust in the Disney vault, waiting for its time to be released and sweep the Grammys as only a true music superstar could.
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