Let’s be real, social media is amazing. It allows you to keep up with old friends, make new ones, discover whole groups of people who have your interests, helps you find new interests. Some have found their significant other. It helps you keep up with news, not to mention the animal videos!

But let’s be real, social media is often terrible. Political bickering, back biting, drama, the constant need to feel validated by someone commenting on whatever it was that you shared, “facts” that are shared, that one friend or family member that you aren’t quite sure about, who might be stalking your profile, just not always a safe space. Especially emotionally.

Many times I will take a break, even for a night. I will shut things down and turn off notifications and keep things away from my social media friends and stay focused on whoever or whatever I am with or doing. I am going to talk about a few of my tried and true ways to unplug whenever social media becomes overwhelming.

Netflix and chill, literally

There are so very many amazing TV shows and movies on Netflix. Turn off your notifications and just watch a few episodes of something. Whenever the world is getting me down, I tend to binge something light and fun. I recommend Jane the Virgin, The Flash, Community, Parks and Rec, The IT Crowd, or The Great British Bake Off.

Grab a friend and go to a coffee shop, with a board game

This is a wonderful way to spend an hour or so. Grab a board game, any board game, get a friend and go to your favorite local coffee shop. You aren’t online, you aren’t scrolling, you are just with the person you are across the table from and you are getting to play a board game.

Take a walk or take a book to the park

The weather right now is sunny and warm, well hot really, but an evening walk right when the sun is setting can be a relaxing and centering time. You can just think, or you can just be. If you are unable to take a walk, grab a book and sit outside. You will be surprised how calming it can be to shut out the distractions of the internet and just be.

Internet-free evenings

I will often have an internet free evening. I will turn off my phone, I will shut down my computer, I will even not stream anything. I will read a book or watch a DVD (yes I still own those). A few hours away from everything is really a great thing.

Just sit

That’s it. Turn off the TV, turn off your phone, maybe even turn off most of the lights, and just sit. Just be. Reset, recenter, refocus on what is actually important, and throw off what is just noise.

There you go. A few of my ways I stay sane while online.

What are some of your tips? What do you do to unplug and reset?

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Rachael has been a geek all her life. Beginning with deep dives in Narnia, the Shire, Tortall, Damar, and loads of others. As she grew, she added other realms to her geekdom, games of all kinds, movies, comic books, etc. In her free time, Rachael is involved with several local theatre groups, hangs out with her friends and family, and plays and snuggles with her nieces and nephews.

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