This week we introduce you to the immensely talented geek blogger Monica Delomico of Popcorner Reviews!

Sartorial Geek of the Week: Monica Delmonico

Name: Monica.

Alter Ego (if you have one): Hmmmm… let me come back to that one!

Top Fandom: So hard to pick just one! It’s a three-way tie between Marvel, Star Wars, and Harry Potter!

Hogwarts House: Slytherin. 

Sartorial Geek of the Week: Monica Delmonico

Fictional Style Icon: Rey from Star Wars! I love the way she layers pieces that are functional, but still stylish (in a scavenger sort of way πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚). And I like that a lot of her looks are monochromatic.

Last Read: Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris. I have a thing for vampires. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Favorite Comfort Film: The Hobbit! I watch that trilogy whenever I’m not feeling well.

First Fictional Crush: Draco Malfoy, Will Turner, and Legolas. πŸ˜‚

Sartorial Geek of the Week: Monica Delmonico

You can find Monica on her website Popcorner Reviews where she has geeky recipes and DIYs like how to make Tom Nook donuts and your own Harley Quinn Birds of Prey Jacket, on Instagram @monica.delmonico, and on Twitter @monicadelmonico.

Get to know our previous Sartorial Geeks of the Week too!


Victoria is a freelance writer, cat enthusiast, avid tea drinker, and proud Hufflepuff. A spangly vegan with a degree in journalism and a background writing about entertainment media and geeky pop culture Victoria can often be found writing her heart out, cuddling her rescue tabby Paco, or out hiking the woodsy trails of her home state, Connecticut. She’s the resident word witch and content coordinator at The Protego Foundation, a Harry Potter inspired animal rights nonprofit organization, and staff writer at Lelu and Bobo, a rising cat website. Victoria's writing can also be found on Screen Rant, POME mag, That Moment In, Nerdy Book Club, Popcorn Horror, and Geek For The Win where she served as head writer.

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