This week’s Sartorial Geek of the Week is the brilliant Connie, or ConStar24 as she goes by online—a writer, editor, photographer, and activist.
An unstoppable force of creativity, action, and some seriously fierce fashion, Connie is taking the social activism-scape by storm. Connie balances writing, editing, and mentorship at the world-renowned magazine, Time For Kids, with a bookstagram account praising diversity in children’s books, AND a position as Managing Editor at Black Girls Create!
Connie says about her bookstagram, Brown Kids On The Cover, “I used to get lots of books at my office and I wanted a way to feature the books we didn’t cover [at Time For Kids magazine] that had PoC on the cover.” She continues, ”That’s a really important and recent factor for kids books.”
Connie brings that sensibility to her work with Black Girls Create. Managing Editor since 2018, Connie created BGC’s “Critical Companion” essay series, a platform where Black writers can share their experience engaging in pop culture on a personal and critical level.
Connie is also a large part of BGC events. She participates in panels at conventions, manages campaigns like the Hogwarts BSU fanfic initiative, and even hosts BGC podcasts like the Doctor Who inspired Time and Relative Blackness in Space!
Now let’s get to meet Connie, or ConStar24, our Sartorial Geek of the Week!

Name: My byline is Constance Gibbs but I go by Connie!
Alter Ego: Constar24 is basically my tag everywhere.
Top Fandom: Right now I’d say Sailor Moon is my top one and Zutara! Like the ship [Zuko x Katara] and Avatar overall but the ship specifically.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!

Fictional Style Icon: Def the Sailor Senshi [and] a dash of Ms. Frizzle energy . . . but I’m sure I have others I just can’t think of right now.
Last Read: I’m currently reading a book of essays by Diana Wynne Jones called Reflections on the Magic of Writing. I haven’t read much of her fiction, but the essays are good so far.
Favorite Comfort Film: Hmm, I probably have a lot, usually Disney movies haha, but some that come to mind are The Princess Diaries, Legally Blonde, and the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions.
First Fictional Crush: I’m trying to think of who might’ve been my first fictional crush, it might be Will Smith from [The] Fresh Prince [of Belaire].

You can find Connie on Instagram @ConStar24, her bookstagram @brownkidsonthecover, her photography Instagram, and on Twitter @ConStar24.
And be sure to check out all the amazing things Connie the rest of the Black Girls Create team is doing on their Instagram and on their website!
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