Ah, the walking simulator.
Also known as “story rich” games, they’re my favorite form of storytelling and preferred video game genre. For quite a few of us, 2020 has entered the arena swinging. While I’m all for de-stressing with a violent video game (Left For Dead 2 has gotten me through many deadlines), sometimes it’s better to escape into a good story. Walking simulators let us experience a story in first person POV, and their clearly defined check lists of objectives can take off some of the pressures of existence. Cue daily dose of existential dread. What follows are five of my favorite examples of story driven games, in no particular order. Now let’s get to it—these simulators were made for walking.
Available on: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, Mac

Or, “How I learned to stop worrying and let the flames consume me.” A beautiful game that accurately conveys the joy, horror and loneliness of being alone in the wilderness. Needing to take a break from the stress of life, Henry takes up a job as a fire watcher in a national park. For awhile, it’s everything he wanted—isolating, boring, relaxing—until his cabin gets vandalized and two girls go missing in the park. Solve mysteries before the evidence burns up, and work on your sweet walkie talkie flirt game.

Life Is Strange
Available on: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC

An episodic game about time travel and the lasting consequences of your choices. Explore your sexuality and your new time travel powers and try to figure out why young girls are disappearing in the small town of Arcadia Bay. This is an emotionally heavy game that will leave you staring at the wall while washing the dishes, asking yourself for the umpteenth time if you made the right choice. An incredible gaming experience best played with another so you can commiserate.

Gone Home
Available on: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, Mac

While away on a trip abroad, Katie’s family moved into a spooky mansion inherited from a recently deceased great uncle. She returns home late at night and a day early, but the house is dark, and her family’s missing. Snoop through an unfamiliar mansion to figure out what happened to Katie’s little sister and parents. Rekindle Katie’s relationship with her not-really-a-baby-anymore-but-always-the-baby sister by reading the diary she left for you and discover the secrets of the house the way she did.
Can you truly ever go home again? Not likely. Does riot grrl music still rip? Hell yeah!

What Remains Of Edith Finch
Available on: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC

Continuing the trend of “while the family’s away, the kids will snoop all day,” except here Edith knows where her family is—they’re dead. She remains the last living Finch. Explore the house to experience 13 last days through each family member’s eyes and try to suss out why the Finch family is cursed. A story about death, grief, and how our loved ones live on in the stories we tell. An absolute heartbreak you have to experience for yourself. Bring tissues.

Available on: Android, iOS

A mobile game you can play during your morning commute if you don’t mind crying in front of strangers. Not strictly a walking simulator, but definitely story driven. Experience all of the joys of first love and the dramatic fall of first heartbreak. An incredible cornucopia of mobile mini games embedded into a beautifully designed story. I suggest playing with headphones—the music knocks this short experience out of the park. Bring more tissues.

It’s important to remember that “new year, new you” is a marketing sentiment created to pry on the insecurities that come naturally to the human experience. You are great, and you will continue to grow. I hope you develop on your own terms and your ability to empathize with stories different than your own continues to expand. When life gets to be a bit much, I hope you have fun playing these games that have brought me so much joy. We all deserve the thrill of a great story from time to time.
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